The Doctor Explains
A deficiency in a vitamin or mineral is when someone is lacking sufficient amounts of this vitamin or mineral in their body. This will inevitably lead to certain metabolic issues putting that individual to certain health problems unless the deficiency is corrected. Such health problems arise because the vitamin or mineral deficiencies will slow down the relevant processes of the body and such processes with be carried ineffectively.
Leading Causes of Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies
- The commonest cause of vitamin or mineral deficiencies is from dietary reasons, i.e. not eating the right foods for sufficient intake of such vitamins or minerals. Ideally having a balanced diet, eating the right amounts of the correct food should be enough to ameliorate any deficiency. However this isn't always possible and even if we do this, we might still be deficient (see the below point!)
- Due to the industrialised way of cultivating our crops and growing our animals, evidence shows that the nutrient and vitamin content in our food chain is declining due to a declining quality. So even if someone takes extra care for having a balanced diet, the chance is that there may be a relative mineral or vitamin deficiency due to the above factor.
- Being vegan or vegetarian, will inevitably cause some deficiencies and one can only bridge the gap through relevant supplementation.
- People with malabsorptive conditions (i.e. bowel conditions which slow down or prevent the absorption of nutrients, vitamins and minerals). Such conditions include Coeliac Disease, Crohn's disease, Ulcerative Colitis, gastric bypass surgery, removal of part of the colon etc. In such conditions, even if someone is eating the correct foods, their body is struggling to absorb all nutrients, and as a result they develop deficiencies with the associated health issues with these deficiencies.
Being able to spot any vitamin or mineral deficiency is vital to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and normal bodily function. Knowing what deficiencies you could be at risk of based on any risk factors described above, and replenishing any deficiencies on time, is essential to keep your body working at its best and avoiding danger of deficiency-caused illnesses.
MyHerbalPower is dedicated in providing accurate information while providing the most appropriate supplements in their purest form. correct doses at the lowest possible prices. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about the correct choice of supplements tailored to your needs and specific symptoms. It is paramount of course to discuss any supplementation with you family doctor.
Below we have some links to specific sections
Vitamin Deficiencies
Mineral Dicienies
Symptoms and specific Deficiencies