Vitamin C

Vitamin C, which is also known as ascorbic acid, has an important role in cell healing, adequate tissue health and normal functioning of the immune system. It is found in fruits like oranges. papaya, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kiwi and green peppers.


Role in the body

It is important in the body's production and maintenance of health collagen (collagen holds together cells in the skin, tendons and gums). Substantial evidence shows  that Vitamin C helps the cells of the immune system (White blood cells) to function better and hence fight infections. Thus, apart from good immune functioning, it also helps with efficient wound healing.

It is crucial for teeth, bone and nail health and is required for iron absorption. Vitamin C is found in fruits, so vitamin C deficiency could be present in people not having enough fruits and vegetables. It is considered more common in smokers due to diminished absorption.

It is a potent anti-oxidant. This means that it can neutralize harmful toxins in our cells (called free radicals) which can trigger aging of the cells as well as predispose to genetic changed in the cell's DNA which could predispose to cancer.


Functions of Vitamin C

  • Aids wound healing
  • Helps iron absorption
  • Anti-Ageing (through better cell healing)
  • May help precent catarracts


Recommended dose

The daily recommended dose of Vitamin C is 60mg while the upper safe limit is 3000mg daily. The usual recommended dose in supplements is 400 to 1000mg daily, while 2000mg per day can be consumed for short period (such as acute viral illness for example). Any excess vitamin C will be safely excreted in urine. We should note here that mega-doses of 2000mg or more could cause diarrhoea  and perhaps predispose to kidney stones.


Vitamin C Deficiency

Lacking of Vitamin C could lead to

  • Generalized tiredness (due to inadequate cellular health)
  • Easy bruising of the skin and nose bleeds
  • Poor immune functioning
  • Weak teeth/skin & bone
  • Poor or slow wound Healing


Learning From Science

  • Infection: taking sufficient Vitamin C may increase the efficiency of the immune system which will help fight viral and bacterial infections more efficiently, thus shortening the duration of the illness
  • Cold Sores: people with cold sores (infection with Herpes Simplex) have remained free of the outbreaks when taking 1000mg Vitamin C daily (compared to people not taking Vitamin C) 
  • Wound healing: People taking 250-500mg of Vitamin C daily have had an improved recovery rate after surgery, while the healing of bedsores or bleeding gums is improved in people taking Vitamin C
  • Cataract prevention: Taking Vitamin C regularly, appears that it might reduce the progression or even improve cataracts. Some studies show that high intake of Vitamin C of 2000mg could help cataracts even within 2 weeks. Care should be taking as doses of over 1000mg could cause some side effects. 
  • Smokers have increased needs of vitamin C (partly because they have less intake of Vitamin C, but also due to the fact that they have more toxins known as free radicals from tobacco smoking. It has been estimated that a smoker requires extra 25mg of Vitamin C per cigarette smoked.


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